Our Story

When I was younger, I used to journal my day-to-day life every summer. With each summer, I would document each day and compare it to the entry from the previous year. It struck me that not much had changed between what I wrote in the current year and the entry from the year before. I found myself engaging in the same activities, visiting the same places, and even having pizza on the same day as last year. I questioned whether this repetition was a positive or negative aspect of my life. At that time, I didn't have a clear answer, but as the years passed and I navigated my way through my 20's, I came to the realization that remaining stagnant is not ideal, and I needed to challenge myself and embrace growth.

In 2022, significant events occurred in my life, prompting me to question my purpose, passion, and values. This led me to reflect on the meaning of each passing year, as I aimed to pivot and grow towards a life I could be proud of looking back on. Towards the end of the year, my partner and I made the decision that we wanted to create a journal and help others in a similar situation. There's nothing more powerful than documenting one's life and later observing the progress and personal development that occurred throughout the journey.

The One Year Reflection is designed with monthly guided questions to help individuals stay on track in living a life that is authentic to them. All we want is for people to reach their goals. We firmly believe that reflection is the key to personal growth, and our ultimate goal is to encourage others to move closer towards their best self and achieve a fulfilling life.